
How to get started with Google Classroom

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How to start Google Classroom (revised 2020.10.29)

(common to new students and Petit Futaba-chan)

* Please read to the end before proceeding with the work!

[When using on a smartphone, tablet, etc.]
Please download “Google classroom” and “Google Meet” in advance.

Let’s get started.


Copy and paste the account (******@futaba.ed.jp), password (futaba****), and class code distributed by the kindergarten by email. Eliminate misreading and typos when typing by hand.

(As a flow,)
“(Email text) Copy account”
→ “(Classroom) Paste in “Account” field”
→ “(Email text) Copy password”
→ “(Classroom) Paste in “Password” field”
・You are now registered in Classroom. To join a class,
→ “(Email body) copy the class code”
→ “(Classroom) “Join the class” and paste it in the “class code” field”

Specifically ↓

Open Classroom on your computer or mobile device.

↓ ↓

Log in with the account (******@futaba.ed.jp) and password (futaba****) provided by the kindergarten. Please copy and paste as above.
If you are asked, “Are you a teacher or a student?”, click (tap) a student.
* The account is not the Google (Gmail) account you already have!
  Tap (click) the account icon in the upper right and enter ******@futaba.ed.jp in “Add another account”! The password is “futaba*********” distributed by the kindergarten.
* If you do not have a Google account, please create a new account with the distribution account ******@futaba.ed.jp Please be sure to change your password as you
will be instructed to change your password when you log in for the first time. . (Please do not forget your password)

(only new admission)

[Join a class]
Enter the class code distributed by the kindergarten on the Classroom screen.

Make a copy of your child’s class code before proceeding.

Open Classroom on your computer or mobile device.

Please use the “Join using class code” method.
There is a “+” in the upper right corner on a computer and in the lower right corner on a smartphone. Click (tap) it and put the class code. (If you have copied it, you can paste it.)
If you are asked, “Are you a teacher or a student?”, click (tap) the student.

You can change your password from the round account button on the upper right of the screen.

* Do not forget the changed password !

We will inform you of your child’s class at the time of admission. We will inform you of the class code for each class by e-mail (contact network e-mail) as soon as possible.

  • At Futaba Kindergarten, there are things we want to tell you through the Classroom. Please open Classroom once a day .

(common to new students and Petit Futaba-chan) 

Use Google Meet

Meet is an online meeting system.

You can use Meet alone, but kindergarten uses the meeting set for the class in Classroom.

On the “Class” screen on your computer, click “Join” under “Meet” in the upper left.
On apps such as smartphones, tap the video camera icon in the upper right.

When the Meet screen appears, select “Join meeting”.

Click the red phone icon below the image to finish. (If you tap the image on a smartphone, etc., an icon will appear.)

  • Please do not share the Meet link URL with others.

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